Christmas Full of Colour!

christmas harvest Nov 03, 2020

New Zealand Christmas is unique - far far away from Hallmark cards and Christmas movies... no snow, no sleigh rides, no snowmen. Instead of fields of white, we have warm sunshine and colour!

Here at Flax & Fibre, Christmas is full of flax whenu, in various stages of drying... on the picnic table, on my son's old trampoline which is now converted to a drying table, on the hot concrete by the shed, and hanging on the washing line. Flax whenu everywhere.

My Pa Harakeke is lush and cool despite the midday sun, and every shade of green. A quiet oasis among the busyness, full of new growth and readiness.

Christmas preparations begin in spring for me, for as with any business that creates handmade product -preparation is everything.
In October, weather plays nice with long sunny days most of the week, giving me the chance to start harvesting and prepping our flower whenu without fear of rain. As I harvest, I dream up beautiful creations I want to be able to offer you.

Hours are spent over...

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